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Cincér Hírlevél
Szakvezetési segédlet
Hiúz Ház – Erdei Iskola és Látogatóközpont Királyréten
Kökörcsin Ház
Nemzeti Parki Termék védjegy

Haszonbérleti pályázati felhívások

A 1338/2015 (V.27.) Kom. határozatban rögzített feladat végrehajtásához kijelölt kapcsolattartó adatai:

Bakos Dorottya,
birtokügyi referens
Tel.: + 36 1 391 4623

» Demonstration Sites » Szemlő-hegyi Cave
Szemlő-hegyi Cave

The Szemlő-hegyi Cave is Budapest's underground flower garden. The most beautiful and most typical parts of the cave can be observed during the guided tours on the 300 metre long tourist path. You can see walls covered with thick layers of mineral deposits that are unique in Europe: splendent, white crystals of gypsum, popcorn formations and calcite rafts. The comfortable and safe pavements and the modern electric lighting make the tour even more enjoyable.
Thanks to the clean, dust and allergen-free air of the cave respiratory diseases have been successfully cured here. Due to its healing effects the cave was designated as a medicinal cave is 1991. The tourist path can be visited by wheelchair, with the help of an assistant.
There is an exhibition of the caves in Buda in the entrance hall.

Address: 1025 Budapest, 35. Pusztaszeri út
Phone: 0036/1/325-6001
e-mail: and
Opening hours: every day except for Tuesday, from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Duration of the tours: 35-40 minutes. Guided tours start at every hour.

2016. 08. 17. Oldal nyomtatása
©2005 A KvVM
Természetvédelmi Hivatala