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Cincér Hírlevél
Szakvezetési segédlet
Hiúz Ház – Erdei Iskola és Látogatóközpont Királyréten
Kökörcsin Ház
Nemzeti Parki Termék védjegy

Haszonbérleti pályázati felhívások

A 1338/2015 (V.27.) Kom. határozatban rögzített feladat végrehajtásához kijelölt kapcsolattartó adatai:

Bakos Dorottya,
birtokügyi referens
Tel.: + 36 1 391 4623

» Demonstration Sites » Pál-völgyi Cave
Pál-völgyi Cave

The Pál-völgyi Cave in Budapest was discovered in 1904 and it is accessible for the public since 1919. The Cave is famous for its unique dripstones, but the narrow, canyon-like corridors, the cauldron-like dissolve formations and the large level differences are also very typical. The 500-metre long route has lately been modernized and adjusted for the highest requirements. It takes the visitor to the most astonishing stone formations, drip stones, glittering calcium-crystals and prints of primeval shells. At some parts the perfect acoustics of the halls can also be experienced by listening to music. Even with the 120 steps and the ladder that have to be mounted, the whole tour can easily be fulfilled in normal clothes and comfortable shoes. A souvenir shop and a buffet is a nice place for relaxation before and after the tour.

Address: 1025 Budapest, Szépvölgyi út 162.
Phone: +36/1/325-9505
E-mail: and
Opening hours: every day except for Monday, from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Duration of the tours: 60 minutes or 25 minutes.
Guided tours start at 15 minutes past every hour.

2016. 08. 17. Oldal nyomtatása
©2005 A KvVM
Természetvédelmi Hivatala